The Central and Eastern European Judicial Exchange Network

The Central and Eastern European Judicial Exchange Network brings together judges from the region to work on issues and challenges commonly experienced in their judiciaries. As it has grown through the years, the Network has become a trusted platform for sharing expertise and best practices, as well as producing concrete tools to assist the judges in performing their duties while adapting to changing demands. Regular meetings and workshops are organized with and for the Network, on themes such as judicial independence, transparency, accountability, efficiency, and ethics.






Network activities include the drafting of practical judicial tools to address needs identified by Network members. You can peruse our previous publications below. Looking for other CEELI Institute publications? Visit our publication’s page here.

Network News

Read below news about past and future events organized with the Central and Eastern European Judicial Exchange Network.

Get in touch with us

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If you're interested to know more about network activities, do not hesitate to get in touch.

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