Training Legal Professionals

The CEELI Institute provides interactive training to legal professionals and others committed to the rule of law. Our workshops and conferences take place at the Institute’s training facility in Prague, as well as locally in other countries and online.

Impact and Approach

Since 2007, CEELI has trained over 20,000 individuals from 50 countries. Based on hypothetical cases, our courses are highly practical and built with expert international faculty. Using our integrated learning platform, CEELI Online, we offer in-person, online, and hybrid courses where participants and faculty can easily interact and exchange resources.

Our open calls are limited. Connect with us on social media to stay informed about future opportunities.


Anti-corruption Training

In person

Asset Recovery and International Cooperation

This course is focused on identifying, locating, freezing, seizing, and returning assets that are the proceeds of a crime. Topics covered in the course include financial tracing of assets within or outside of a jurisdiction; utilizing international cooperation in asset recovery investigations; applying various legal methods to seek the seizure, forfeiture, and return of assets; and preparing formal written requests to collect evidence, including assets, in a foreign jurisdiction.

In person

Cryptocurrency Investigations and Analysis: A Course for Law Enforcement

This training provides investigators with an understanding of the terms associated with cryptocurrency, such as blockchain, tokens, decentralized finance, non-fungible tokens, and others. It also provides investigators with a baseline knowledge of the technology underpinning cryptocurrency, sources of information available to investigators, and how to interpret on-chain data and open-source information.


Cybercrime Course: Online Investigations and Evidence Collection

The purpose of this course is to provide training on conducting criminal investigations online, including investigative techniques and collection of electronic evidence. On the last training day, students are given a scenario and asked to use the training, tools, and resources provided during the class, to analyze the scenario and design an initial investigative plan to present to the class.

In-person or online

Investigating and Prosecuting Official Corruption

Designed for investigators and prosecutors, this training brings together an extraordinary faculty line-up consisting of some of the world’s most experienced anti-corruption prosecutors, forensic accountants, and practitioners. The highly interactive training walks participants through the actual investigation of a model case involving official corruption. Participants work in small groups to develop their own investigation strategies, learning to use time-tested investigative tools along the way.

In person

Investigating Corruption as Law Enforcement

The course is intended for investigative journalists and civic activists to improve their knowledge of procedural steps and requirements for investigating corruption and money laundering by law enforcement. The course was created to help bridge the gap of mutual misunderstanding and mistrust, which often exists between law enforcement and civil society watchdogs in investigating official corruption and money laundering. The objective of this training is to provide investigative journalists with the knowledge of what constitutes legally actionable material for law enforcement, and what mechanisms exist to relay information to law enforcement actors.

In person

Financial Investigations

The techniques discussed and practiced during this course can be applied to any investigation involving crimes of greed. The evidence resulting from using these techniques may corroborate the testimony of witnesses whose credibility is suspect, and provide circumstantial or direct evidence of the crime. Subject areas covered in this seminar include: Starting an Investigation; Sources of Financial Information; Financial Profiling; Financial Interviewing; Financial Crimes, Money Laundering, and Asset Forfeiture; and Financial Search Warrants. The course is designed and delivered by two former U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) investigators/trainers, a former FBI agent and a former Supervising Officer of the FinCEN.


Judicial Training


Application of EU Instruments in Civil and Criminal Justice

These three-day seminars are organized by the CEELI Institute, the University of Silesia, the Association of Croatian Judges, and the Polish judges’ association Iustitia, and are designed for active criminal and civil judges from EU member countries, focusing on applying of EU instruments in criminal and civil justice, and providing access to the full extent of rights guaranteed by EU law.


Large-Scale Online Training for Judges

The CEELI Institute is organizing five-week online courses for judges and other legal professionals from Central and Eastern Europe as well as other regions. These trainings center on themes such as independence and integrity of the judiciary, case management, or digital justice. They are organized as part of the CEELI Institute’s Central and Eastern European Judicial Exchange Network activities.

2-day workshop

Messaging and Storytelling about the Rule of Law

For civil society activists, journalists, and judges from Romania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Croatia, and Slovenia.


Training-of-Trainers with the Indian Judiciary

We partner with the National Judicial Academy of India and the U.S. Federal Judicial Center to provide training-of-trainers for small groups of Indian judges to craft new curricula on Terrorism, Cybercrime, and Human Trafficking cases. Updated curricula reflect Indian national legislation and international best practices, while at the same time incorporating a modern educational approach in lieu of traditional lecture-based teaching methodology.

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