news / European Union Programs

Launch of the INNOCENT Project


22 Sep 2022

We are delighted to kick off our INNOCENT project, a two-year program funded by the European Commission. The project launched in June 2022, and on September 13, 2022, we met in Brussels with our project and policy officers. The INNOCENT project focuses on the procedural rights of persons suspected or accused of a crime, in particular, their right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty and how to protect that right when using electronic evidence. The CEELI Institute will work with five partners from Bulgaria, Croatia, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia to implement the project in Central and Eastern Europe. Our first step? Mapping the similarities and the best and worst practices in the region regarding the practical application of the presumption of innocence and the use of electronic evidence. Our ultimate goal is to design guidelines and policy recommendations in the context of the presumption of innocence and e-evidence.

If you are a judge, a prosecutor, or a lawyer, this project is an opportunity to enhance your knowledge and skills about rights and obligations regarding the presumption of innocence and the use of electronic evidence. Contact us to learn more about the project and engage in the planned activities, and follow us on social media!

The INNOCENT project is implemented with the support of the European Union (EU) under Grant Agreement n°101056685. The content of this article, including views and opinions expressed, are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the EU. Neither the EU nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them.

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