news / The Central and Eastern European Judicial Exchange Network

2021 Annual Conference of the Judicial Exchange Network


29 Jul 2021

The Annual Conference of the Judicial Exchange Network is an opportunity for Network members from across the Central and Eastern European region to gather and engage on issues that are most pressing for the judicial profession. This year, the conference was conducted virtually and focused on the theme of 'Justice in Transition – A Time of Peril and Progress in Central and Eastern Europe.' Two panels were held, addressing the topics of judicial independence (focusing on Poland as a bell-weather for governmental attacks on the judiciary and the rule of law) and issues with the implementation of digital solutions for online hearings. There were also 3-minute intervention spots available to give other participants the opportunity to share additional information.

Founded by the CEELI Institute in 2012, the Central and Eastern European Judicial Exchange Network currently stands at 232 members. It is comprised of some of the best and brightest rising judges from 21 countries in the region who come together to share best practices on issues of judicial independence, transparency, accountability, efficiency, and ethics. The Network facilitates career growth and development for the judges, fosters peer engagement, and produces concrete tools to better assist the judges in performing their duties.

Read the summary of the conference here.

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